Coloring pages
Keep your colored pencils and markers at the ready because here you will find Billy's best coloring pages. Will you join Billy on an adventure?

Billy in the Easter Egg Forest
Billy finds Easter eggs in the woods! He is going to collect them for the Easter Bunny. Will you help Billy with the search?

Billy Easter baskets
Wow, we found so many Easter eggs! The Easter Bunny will be very happy with this.

Billy with the Easter Bunny
The Easter Bunny is happy that Billy found the eggs. He even gets to take some home with him!

Billy in the woods
Today I'm on an adventure in the woods. Are you coming with me?

Billy and his animal friends
Do you know where Billy is? Find Billy and his animal friends.

Billy and his mushrooms
Peek a boo! Can you help me count all the dots on the mushrooms?
Saint Nicholas

Putting on a shoe: Ballerina

Putting on a shoe: Sneaker

Billy at the Christmas tree
Merry Christmas: will you help decorate the Christmas tree?

Billy and the Christmas Wreath
Unleash your creativity and decorate the Christmas wreath in the most beautiful colors!

Billy with Presents
Give the presents the most beautiful colors!

Billy on vacation
Billy is going into the mountains, what color do you give his scarf?

Pirate Billy
Arrrrgh buddy! Will you join me on an adventure in the pirate boat?

Billy on the beach
Billy has arrived at Hemelrijk! What adventures will he have?

Billy swimming
Would you like to come and take a refreshing dip in the lovely sun with me?

Billy on the roller coaster
Woeeeh, Billy goes super fast on the roller coaster!

Billy on the Hemelaya
Billy is at the top of the Hemelaya, will you come and enjoy the view?

BillyBird and the Play Castle
Let's discover BillyBird Drakenrijk together!

BillyBird and the Dragon
Let's discover BillyBird Drakenrijk together!